Brands that fits.

Margarita Navarro | Think Piece | Watch full video

Clothing is an extension of your body, and your brand. Functional Apparel Design can build an even deeper connection than any other product can aspire to.

KISKA apparel design lead Margarita Navarro
Margarita Navarro

Clothing is an extension of your body. And brand. 

Think about motorcycle apparel. It is very functional because it is built from your body outwards. It provides ventilation where you need cooling. It gives support where posture may be weak. It offers flexibility where movement is key. It also adds functional benefit to the brand experience. A touchpoint with direct connection to your body. One that can maximise its natural state and performance. Developing clothing with function and a brand in mind is much more than merchandising for core products. This kind of fit hooks riders into a brand tribe.

At KISKA, apparel designers create such connections by working more like product designers. Probably because most of us are product designers! Our work is done alongside the development of other brand touchpoints. It is very impactful to work with other creatives; linked by a common understanding of a brand’s story, motivation and inspiration.

Another distinction of our work is the depth of thinking that goes into each garment. We research and analyse every angle of influence. Markets, consumer profiles, use cases and interaction are all woven into design. We observe trends, though they don’t influence the work. We also prototype our designs in-house. It is a bit of a lost art in the apparel industry, but it ensures all designs are protective, performance-driven and lifestyle-focussed.

Connecting everything before pen touches paper is crucial when building a brand with functional experiences. When yours makes people look good and feel better, you create fans for life.

In such a fast-fashion era such longstanding relationships should not be underestimated. They are a rare achievement.

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