Parametric Design tunes the rules of possibility.

Parametric Design | Tools & Processes

The limits of engineering, manufacturing, and tooling have never stopped KISKA from doing the “impossible”. And Parametric Design is a better enabler than ever.

What is it? And why does it matter? 

We explain Parametric Design to clients as an advanced technique that builds function and purpose into their products’ structure. In turn, it creates geometries that are beyond the possibility of conventional design tools. What we do is make functional requirements a set of parameters. Then we make those into shapes. Parametric Design allows for intuitive setup of solution strategies, and fast iteration for improvement. It lets KISKA designers quickly investigate conceptual alternatives and create new solutions.

Iteration is focussed, so trying new things is easier.

Iteration is elementary to design. But the dream is deeper concept exploration with greater efficiency. Parametric Design generates different shapes and surfaces with relative ease and speed. You control points of influence through data and other values, or filter and alter weights of influence. Small updates have immediate impact, so tuning loops are very focused. However, the range and depth of concept exploration increases.

Individual needs become personalised solutions.

Done in a virtual space, Parametric Design is very flexible but also produces complex physical objects efficiently. It’s unleashing a new level of product customisation by tying human data directly into the design and engineering process. For example, in shoe design, we can explore sole pressure and isolate it on a pressure map. Using parametric software, these pressure points are translated into a supportive sole structure unique to an individual. It isn’t just any shoe. It’s YOUR shoe.

Faster. Better. Smarter.

Paired with additive manufacturing, Parametric Design makes prototype development more streamlined than ever. Building solutions in-house and testing them on-the-spot, iteration is fast and done as much as needed. The enhanced workflow creates a more refined final mock-up, improving client evaluation. Parametric Design is breaking the mould of engineering and manufacturing. Literally.

Customised running shoe developed with parametric design.  

Parametric Design is the pinnacle of purpose-built and personalised design. At minimum, it gives a design kick to all sorts of things. Sporting goods, lightweight products, consumer electronics; the list goes on. Used to its fullest extent, it changes the structure of objects and fundamentally alters their purpose in the process. Creating something people want. So, while manufacturing and business models make the shift to mass customisation, Parametric Design is a promising catalyst. 

Check out more of our work.

Find out what co-creation can do. Strategic and hands-on, KISKA boosts business and generates impact with brand and design. See the results for yourself.

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